Friday, December 14, 2007

Hey Diablo....

Diablo Cody is the next big thing in the hills of Southern California with all the talk about her future in Hollywood. The former stripper took the Twin Cities by storm around two years ago after appearing on David Letterman's Late Show promoting her new book at the time "Candy Girl". Diablo and her book was rewarded by being put into "Dave's Book Club 2006" a funny ripoff of Oprah Winfreys Book Club that Letterman started on his show.

The always interesting Diablo Cody has had a crazy life, well it might be crazy to you and I but for her I bet it has been a fun ride. Cody who was born Brook Busey-Hunt in Illinois did clerical work for a Chicago bankruptcy firm. She is a college graduate who went to school in Iowa. Diablo also met her husband on the internet and the first time they hung out with each other was at a Brian Wilson concert.

Diablo and her husband joke about how poor they were when they lived in Minnesota and that they now laugh at the past about how she got into stripping. Cody lived in Robbinsdale, Minnesota for nearly four years before heading out to Cal-i-for-ni-a.

Diablo got headlines because of her past and she pretty much admits that being a stripper drew a lot of media interest. Cody did not really have an interest in stripping until she noticed an ad from a club looking for amateur dancers for their amateur night. She knew that the money could be good and they needed they money so she gave it a try and ended up really enjoying the work and the people she met. I must say that now I wish I would have seen Mrs. Cody dance. She is very attractive and very smart and you do not see that in strippers much well not in Mankato that is.

Diablo went on to write for City Pages (Twin Cities Publication), Jane Magazine, and the Village Voice after Candy Girl. Her writing drew so much interest from people that she was asked to a write a script for a movie, which some say she was reluctent but in the end she agreed and in the end she wrote a screenplay about a pregnant teenager named Juno.

Juno opened in Limited-Release on December 5th, and supposedly world wide on December 14th but for whatever reason you can only see it at very few theaters. I think the film looks really entertaining and other then the fact that Cody wrote the screenplay I want to see the movie because of Superbad's Michael Cera. I think Cera is going to end up being a huge star in the movies and I hope I am right. Juno also has a few other stars such as Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, J.K. Simmons, Allison Janey, and Ellen Page as Juno. The movie also has the very good Rainn Wilson from the televison show The Office.

Diablo was named recently Breakthrough Screenwriter at the Hollywood Film Festival and also the script she penned went runner-up at the renoun Toronto Film Festival. She was offered to write a script for a possible series on Showtime amongst other offers, she also has a new movie in the works starring soon to be Mrs. Brian Austin Green (Megan Fox) of Transformers.

So Ms. Cody all in all is a busy woman these days! And I am hoping she will be busier after the looming Screenwriters Guild strike ends.

I am going to try and catch Juno one way or another soon and I think I am going to try and read Candy Girl sometime soon as I think her work could be very entertaining. I also think you should try also and give it a chance if you have a sense of humor.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Foosball !!!!!

The Cowboys of Dallas played against the Packers of Green Bay Friday night in a highly anticipated match up. The media hyped this game up as the NFC's Match of the Century and to be honest I agreed with that assessment.

The game was great and it lived up to the hype even though Favre went out with an injury. But the game also had a few questionable calls. One of the questionable calls happened on the Cowboys first drive when Terrell Owens looked as if he got the ball stripped from Al Harris. The call on the field was that forward progress was stopped. I am a Cowboys fan and I can honestly say that my favorite squad got a call in their favor. The last call that went into question also went against the Packers on a pass interference call when Jarrett Bush tripped Miles Austin.

I watched the Boys in Bristol after the game and Sean "Penis Phone'' Salisbury said in terms that in a game this late and so close is that NFL officials should not have called a penalty on Bush. Penis Phone also said he was not happy with fact that it took a few seconds for a flag to come in and that reason was because two of the officials had to discuss if pass interference needed to be called. I could see how both sides could have argued about the call. The ball was thrown about 40 or so yards as it was obviously a deep pass and Bush did have his hand on Miles Austin. I know that there is a little bit bumping and grinding on some deep passes and sometimes not always called. I am just guessing when I make this statement but the reason pass interference got called was because Bush slowed Miles down a bit by the hands and then that ended up Austin getting tripped up but I could be wrong. I do know that in my fifteen years of being a hardcore NFL fan that I rarely have ever seen a pass interference call after a guy was tripped up on a deep pass unless it was obviously intentional this however was unintentional. I am not sure what I would have called but in the end as a Cowboys fan I am just glad we won.

Aaron Rodgers impressed the hell out of me and he played great coming in after the injury to Favre. Rodgers came in and threw for 201 yards and a touch. I wonder if the Niners are still happy with taking Alex Smith over possibly trading down and get Aaron Rodgers a few picks later. I doubt it as Alex Smith had a ton of more upside them Mr. Rodgers at the time and Smith still has a shot to be good but his injuries obviously need to stop if he wants to ever have a chance. If I lived in Cheeseheadville I think I would be comfortable to know that Mr. Rodgers could be the next gunslinger when \nNo.4 retires. It was one game I know and Rodgers still has a ton of learning to do but last night he headed the right direction.

The Tony Romo show is still fun to watch even though he had his fifth touchdown taken away from him after a weird freaky play where he had Terrell Owens open in the end zone but the ball popped out of Owens hands and went straight to a diving Al Harris. That was just weird and the bad part about it was that Al Harris was getting his ass handed to him all game by T.O, but it just happened. Owens had a 147 yards receiving and also had a touchdown for the Cowboys. If the Cowboys and Packers meet up again in the Playoffs I still think Dallas will come out ahead again as I just do not see Dallas being stopped by Green Bay at all.

Also last night on my way home from my favorite establishment Tav on the Ave I listened to Fox Sports Radio and MSNBC Columnist JT the Brick and he said that Cowboys are beatable and I do agree with that comment but only one team can beat them it is also the team that beat them already and that would be the Patriots of Massachuesetts.